PARI National Policy Roundtable :: Science And Technology Policy Research Institute (CSIR)

PARI National Policy Roundtable

RARI roundtable 2  RARI roundtable 1 

As part of its participation in the PARI (Program of Accompanying Research for Agricultural Innovation), CSIR-STEPRI hosted FARA, ZEF, IFPRI and other Sub Regional Organizations (SROs) involved in the project to undertake a two day National Policy Round table  here in Accra.

The objectives of this Round table were to:

  1. Present preliminary PARI research findings of relevance to key stakeholders engaged in national innovation processes
  2. Ground -truth the findings with local expertise and receive guidance on further research.
  3. jointly identify policy implications of the research, especially scope for promising innovations that would serve agricultural development, jobs and food security.

Participants were drawn from partner institutions such as FARA, ZEF, AGRA, GIZ, IFPRI, CSIR, MOFA, MESTI,  etc.